Results-based Management in Planning Workshop

Results-based management is a strategic management approach. The Hope Foundation is trying to use it with partners to plan, cost, implement, monitor and measure the changes from cooperation, rather than just the inputs provided or activities conducted. Using RBM, the THF wants to ensure that its cash, supply and technical assistance contribute to a logical chain of results that increase in complexity and ambition as you rise up the chain: outputs, outcomes and impacts which are MD/MDG related national priorities. RBM depends on critical assumptions about the programme environment and risk assessments, clearly defined accountabilities and indicators for results, and performance monitoring and reporting.

RBM helps to ensure accountability by offering a process and structure to formulate results and to manage for their achievement. It focuses time and resources on the achievement of results, planned together with stakeholders, and on the basis of the country analysis. Recently the organisation conducted four days training on RBM for all project staff. Second phase of the training will be organised soon. This training will help the staff to conduct situational analysis, problem analysis, result analysis and then framing level of results in a logical sequence with a focus on the result. Kenneth and James from our overseas office also joined the workshop.